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Add Scene

  1. Click on +Add Scene.
  2. A pop-up window will open.
  3. Select a draft version of the scene (optional)
  4. Add a scene number in the Scene# field. It can contain numbers and letters.
    • eg: 1 or 1A, etc…
  5. Add a Interior or Exterior or Interior/Exterior of the set or location in the Int/Ext field.
    • Note: standard abreviations used are INT. or EXT. or INT./EXT.
  6. Add a set or location description in the Set field.
  7. Add time of day in the Time of Day field.
    • eg: DAY/NIGHT/MORNING/AFTERNOON/… or a CONTINUES if the scene is the same time of day as the previous scene.
  8. Describe your scene or copy paste from another text file in the in the insert scene description here… field.
  9. Click Add Scene button at the bottom of the the pop-up window when done.
  10. The scene will automatically be added to the script.
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